Guangzhou, China.
Let's be lean, mean and practical for the beginning; I'm looking for a company to order a load of yeast (liquid) and share the shipment costs. Not right now, still way too hot here. Perhaps right after New Year (Western); perhaps to a friend's address in Hong Kong for ease of customs clearance and all that. We can then bring the yeast into Mainland in portions and send it between us with SFExpress (I've ordered tons of chilled food from taobao, and SF always delivered it in good condition).
PM me if any interest.
Post #2 made 9 years ago
Mark I have heard and read there is a Large Brewing population in China, with some Good(?) Beers Available.
There may be a few beer Supply Businesses around you.
There may be a few beer Supply Businesses around you.
Honest Officer, I swear to Drunk, I am Not God.
- SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From United States of America
Post #3 made 9 years ago
That would be very largely an overstatement. There are a few homebrewers but they are really few and farther between than snowflakes in August (talking Northern hemisphere). There are indeed a few shops but they are selling next to nothing even if compared to very basic brewing supplies shops in the States. So yes, you're right, there is some brewing life in this country but I wouldn't have bothered to post here if I could realistically solve the problem locally.joshua wrote:Mark I have heard and read there is a Large Brewing population in China, with some Good(?) Beers Available.
There may be a few beer Supply Businesses around you.
Last edited by FlyingZayin on 20 Oct 2015, 21:04, edited 1 time in total.
Post #4 made 9 years ago
Have you tried basic bread yeast? You might be surprised how good a beer it will produce
Post #5 made 9 years ago
That's an interesting turnBellybuster wrote:Have you tried basic bread yeast? You might be surprised how good a beer it will produce

But really, first - I am a new hand in this hobby and this sort of experimenting is way above my dare

Second, I wish we never get into a situation that desperate... using carrot and potato skins for fermentables and bread yeast - might be a good idea for a business in the post-apocalyptic world but for now I just hope to make good beer and make my Mrs happy after all the expenses for my brewing toys and loss of our guest bathroom that I confiscated for brewery!
(but I did make a note. maybe, some day....)
Last edited by FlyingZayin on 21 Oct 2015, 09:24, edited 1 time in total.
Post #6 made 9 years ago
Best of luck to you on this... If you are as consciousness as I think you are, your beer results will be good. Like following directions and the recipe when you cook. And you can develop more Expats doing BIAB over there, after they try your beer and it turns out really good some will want to do it as well. Develop demand for cool new brew products. (And possibly a side business...)???
If I were in your shoes, would do like most of the Australians and use dry yeast. At least to start. I have been using liquid for the past few years but supposedly the dry yeast offerings are pretty good as well. That would help things be easier for you getting going...then later on expand the repertoire. But admittedly I am not in your shoes, and often things look differently... It seems like you want to do things "right". I understand this. Less diversity with dry but it's supposed to work well too. Best of luck!

If I were in your shoes, would do like most of the Australians and use dry yeast. At least to start. I have been using liquid for the past few years but supposedly the dry yeast offerings are pretty good as well. That would help things be easier for you getting going...then later on expand the repertoire. But admittedly I am not in your shoes, and often things look differently... It seems like you want to do things "right". I understand this. Less diversity with dry but it's supposed to work well too. Best of luck!
- SVA Brewer With Over 50 Brews From United States of America
Post #7 made 9 years ago
Thanks Scott, you got a right impressionScott wrote:Best of luck to you on this

I really want to keep everything kosher.
Like, from the very first brew, no racking, no syphones or whatever exposure to the air, no splash aeration and all that, but rather a proper CO2 setup, Midisart sanitizing filters all around, and well, you know the way things go. (but my diving fins are defiantly yellow if you know what I mean).
Talking yeast, I do have a thing for microbiology and I can see myself developing a yeast bank on slants and plates and maybe even doing it for living. Too early to think about it but if anyone has good suggestions they're welcome.
For now however I need to stock myself up for the next hot season ("cold" season lasts for as long as 10 to 15, rarely 20 days) and get the yeast shipped to me inside this window. Timing is between Western and Chinese New Year... Shipment is going to be dear, so I need company!
Last edited by FlyingZayin on 21 Oct 2015, 13:59, edited 1 time in total.
Post #8 made 9 years ago
Have you tried "begging" at a local micro?
Maybe these guys could lend a hand?
You may even be able to purchase from them directly? Just a thought.
Maybe these guys could lend a hand?
You may even be able to purchase from them directly? Just a thought.
Last edited by mally on 21 Oct 2015, 14:42, edited 1 time in total.
I spent lots of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I squandered
I've stopped drinking, but only when I'm asleep
I ONCE gave up women and alcohol - it was the worst 20 minutes of my life
I spent lots of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I squandered
I've stopped drinking, but only when I'm asleep
I ONCE gave up women and alcohol - it was the worst 20 minutes of my life
- SVA Brewer With Over 100 Brews From Great Britain
Post #9 made 9 years ago
mally wrote:Have you tried "begging" at a local micro?

Might be worth stopping by!
That's a smart choice of location, a few Western consulates are clustered nearby.
(but it's still better to be begged than beg! so I'm on the way to getting my own)
Last edited by FlyingZayin on 21 Oct 2015, 15:17, edited 1 time in total.
Post #10 made 9 years ago
Hi there,
I'm a homebrewer in Shanghai and I find I can get basically everything I need (maybe not at the best prices) on
Try searching for 家酿啤酒 or try out PC's homebrew shop, he's pretty good but I order from over 6 different vendors based on price.
I'm a homebrewer in Shanghai and I find I can get basically everything I need (maybe not at the best prices) on
Try searching for 家酿啤酒 or try out PC's homebrew shop, he's pretty good but I order from over 6 different vendors based on price.
Post #11 made 9 years ago
Hi, nice to know younedderlander wrote:Hi there

Yeah sure I've been there. Searched taobao all through - basic kits yes; anything fancy no. Need YEAST YEAST YEAST!!!
Looks like this can be a good biznis here, in a couple of yrs. Seriously. I'm considering.
In the meantime will order a load from USA to HK address. Urrrrhhh.
Last edited by FlyingZayin on 28 Oct 2015, 18:56, edited 1 time in total.