Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8951 made 3 years ago
Welcome to the forum, @amack12345, @BENMANIPA, and @MarkBIABer

Let us know if you have any questions, moving forward.

@amack12345 - One of the best things you can do is download the BIABacus Excel file and document each part of your brewing process. It helps a bunch because you measure different parts of your brew day. It helps to make your brew session more repeatable, and if mistakes are made easier to find out why... It's like having "check points" when navigating and makes it easier to determine where you have gone off course. Some of the terminology may be confusing, so I listed the Clear Brewing Terminology section too.

BIABacus Tool:

Clear Brewing Terminology:

Let us know if there are any questions.

    • SVA Brewer With Over 50 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8952 made 3 years ago
Hi. I'm James from Dublin (Ireland). I've only recently got into homebrewing and I've liked the results I've gotten so far from extract kits but want to take it a bit further. All grain brewing seems to be an expensive set up and I really don't have the space for all the equipment so BIAB seems like a happy medium. I'm looking forward to learning and being able to make some nice beers, not just for myself but for family and friends. Cheers.

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8953 made 3 years ago
Hello James, welcome to the forum!

You are right that using the BIAB process to mash your beer is an easier process involving less equipment, but you will be happy to know that it is 100% whole grain brewing and will produce just as good of beer as any 3-vessel system.

There is a ton of info available here, and hopefully you’ve already been researching. Let us know if you have any questions.
Last edited by Scott on 28 Feb 2022, 23:43, edited 1 time in total.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 50 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8954 made 2 years ago
Hi all,

From Australia, various points along the east coast of Queensland but currently in the Sunshine Coast area
I stumbled upon your site while looking for a 19L mini BiaB recipe, linked from aussie hombrewer.
This seems like a good place for quality info, and more so about mini BiaB which is all I'm interested in at the moment as I don't want to have larges batches of beer sitting around!
I've done 3 other brews before today's attempt. A ginger beer from a tin with additives, it ended up good, however we tried drinking it too early and was foul. A second G'beer from scratch, it was a complete fail and ended up down the sink. 3rd brew was a pear cider with some apples for complexity, pressed from fruit. It was not amazing, but was good fun!
Currently working full time and do most of the kid duties as my partner is a Dr in the public hospital system and works big hours.

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8958 made 2 years ago
Hello @rockymars and welcome to the forum.

With AG brewing, are you doing BIAB?

I love beer and brewing, and love to drink wine, but BIAB is the brewing style that made the lost sense to me. The information given on this forum was priceless with help in gaining knowledge rapidly. PistolPatch / Pat Hollingdale was especially helpful, although many others have been very helpful as well.

Look around on the site and you can find a lot of help. The BIABacus Exce file is great! And to help interpret the terminology, look at the Clear Brewing Terminology thread. Believe these are in the New Brewer section. Let us know if you can’t find them.

Best of luck and let us know how it goes! :luck:
    • SVA Brewer With Over 50 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8959 made 2 years ago
Hi All,
I'm from Tampa, FL and have been brewing in a bag for just about 10 years now with maybe 75 brews over that time.
I'm in a homebrew club, Special Hoperations, and used to brew for competitions, but haven't done that in a few years.
I went right from extract brewing to BIAB, so it's really the only method I know.
I have a single vessel electric brewery made from and old keg and a couple of 120V water heater elements. Its kinda slow, but beats running a hundred feet of 8 gauge wire and conduit around the whole house. So far, so good.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 50 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8960 made 2 years ago
Hello @rocky_creeker

Welcome to the forum! Thanks for giving all of the info about yourself.

Interesting you live in Tampa. My daughter and son-in-law live in Ocoee, to the west of Orlando. My wife and I live in Oregon now (and have for many years) but bought a lot up in Tavares, 30 miles NW of Ocoee. I expect we will build a house and become Floridians too, sometime in the next 2-3 years. We don’t want to be “absentee grandparents”, when our daughter has kids. 😁
    • SVA Brewer With Over 50 Brews From United States of America

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8961 made 2 years ago
Hey @Scott

Thanks very much for your welcome message and helpful pointers :)
Scott wrote:
2 years ago
With AG brewing, are you doing BIAB?

I love beer and brewing, and love to drink wine, but BIAB is the brewing style that made the lost sense to me.
Yes doing BIAB in small batches, I’m experimenting with recipes and can’t afford to end up with big batches of cockups! Life’s too short for drinking bad beer!

I started off with extracts back in the day, tried my hand at partial mash kits and loved the results. Unfortunately I then went off brewing for more than a decade, but I did do a batch of (three-vessel) AG with an experienced friend, which was fun. I started looking into BIAB but that’s where it ended back then. Now I’m back to it, and transferring the skills gained to distilling. I’m having heaps of fun!

I’ll spend some time reading more, there’s so much to absorb! I’m a sponge for knowledge, and this forum is a gold mine!

Thanks again for your message.
Last edited by rockymars on 12 Aug 2022, 01:33, edited 1 time in total.
    • SVA Brewer With Over 5 Brews From Australia

Re: My First Post! - Post here to become Fully Registered

Post #8963 made 2 years ago
Greetings, mistercheah88.
This site has been somewhat sleepy for a time, but all the valuable BIAB information is available when you dig in.
Initially I suggest that you keep it simple with regard to equipment. You can make really good beer without spending and accumulating much. I recently made my 5 gallon batch #107 with the same kit as batch #10 when I switched to all grain BIAB. I replaced a fermentation bucket and I'm on my second voile bag. I purchased crushed grains for many batches before buying a grain mill. Otherwise, it is all about your brewing procedure. Keep good notes on time and temperature for all the steps. That doesn't necessarily mean that you can exactly reproduce the product beer but you will gain knowledge about the impact (or lack thereof) of what you do.
I still enjoy brew days alone, even the clean-up. Even bottling day is OK with all that goes into packaging 40 - 50 bottles of various sizes after priming.
The BIABacus is valuable - get it and tinker and ask questions.
    • BME Brewer With Over 20 Brews From United States of America

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